Stem Cell Banking:
Preserve & Deploy the Power of Your Own Stem Cells in
Portland, Oregon
Why Stem Cell Banking?
Banking your stem cells is the process of harvesting and preserving your own cells so that they can be replicated ("cultured") and ordered on-demand for your health needs. This allows for you undergo a single cell harvest procedure in our office followed by a lifetime supply of your own mesenchymal stem cells. ​​
Mesenchymal stem cells are abundant in fat tissue well into 80+ years of age and, just like in our MFAT Stem Cell Therapy for orthopedic procedures, easily obtained in-office.
Banked Mesenchymal Stem Cells have a variety of beneficial properties and can be used for:
Autoimmune conditions
Neurological disorders
Pulmonary dysfunction
Biohacking and Wellness
We believe the evidence shows that our MFAT Stem Cell Therapy is best for orthopedic conditions like osteoarthritis, tears, and joint pain. Stem Cell Banking offers a premium method of administering stem cells for systemic health concerns.
Banked Stem Cells are ordered through our partner, American Cell Technology, then administered in our office via intravenous (IV) infusion.
By using your own, personalized cells, you eliminate rejection risk, ensure cell viability, and know the source.
Banking with American Cell Technology
We partner with American Cell Technology to preserve and replicate your stem cells. They utilize an FDA-registered, cGTP-compliant lab ensuring sterility and safety. American Cell Technology guarantees 10+ million cells with every order, giving you confidence in the highest quality service available.
Why American Cell Technology?
Long Term: Access to your own cells for the rest of your life
On-Demand: Order cells when you want to use them
Quality Assurance: Live stem cell counts on every order
Safety and Sterility: The highest laboratory and technological standards are followed
The Stem Cell Banking Process
1. Physician Consult
Dr. Oltman will review the specifics of your medical situation and explain the risks and benefits.
2. Tissue Harvesting
Done in-office, taking less than an hour, with minimal pain, and no significant downtime.
3. Sample Shipment
Your sample is shipped to the ACT lab overnight and additional screening bloodwork is completed.
4. Cryogenically Frozen
Handled by technicians in the c-GTP compliant clean-room, your cells are stored in liquid nitrogen.
5. Order Your Cells On-Demand
After a waiting period of 6-8 weeks for the initial replication, order your cells when you need them.
Stem cell banking and associated therapies are not approved by the FDA to treat any medical condition. There are no guarantees of effectiveness and every medical procedure entails risks. The potential benefits and risks will be discussed in detail with Dr. Oltman while considering your specific medical circumstances.
Pricing Information
Breakdown of Costs for Stem Cell Banking
New Patient Visit and Tissue Harvest: $5500
This includes our fees and the fee for American Cell Technology along with the first year of your banking subscription.
This is due when you schedule, not the day of the procedure.
90 minutes here at the clinic.
Screening Labs: $399
Screens out infectious diseases (HIV, hepatitis, etc) that can compromise your sample.
The blood draw for this will be done the day you are here for your harvest.
You can sign a waiver to waive this requirement but it is likely smart to do it once just in case given the future investment you are making. It is for your safety.
Storage Plans: $200-230 per year
Offered through American Cell Technology, prices vary depending on the length of the time commitment, see the attachment for the details.
Ordering cells: $500 per vial
Each vial is 10+ million stem cells.
IVs: $400 per IV infusion
Administered here at the office.
30 minute appointment.
All-In: $7,924
For harvest, screening labs, 6 years of storage, your first vial and first IV. ​